Anthony Barraco
Lead Project Scientist
757 638 4462 |

Software Development
Anthony Barraco is a Lead Project Scientist at the Virginia, Modeling, Analysis, and Simulation Center (VMASC) at Old Dominion University (ODU). He is a 2002 graduate of the University of Central Florida (UCF) and received a B.S. in Computer Science. Since 2004, his professional software development experience includes network driver development, machinery control systems, and tactical trainers for the Department of Defense (DoD). While at VMASC, Mr. Barraco has developed: a web-based application for creating discrete event simulations; a collection of web services that enable data exchange between heterogeneous systems; an event scheduler that uses simulated annealing for optimization; and various mobile applications on different platforms.
B.S. in Computer Science, August 2002
University of Central Florida (UCF), Orlando, Florida
VMASC, Senior Project Scientist
1030 University Boulevard; Suffolk, VA
June 2012 – Present
General Dynamics, Software Developer
112 Lake View Parkway; Suffolk, VA
July 2009 – June 2012
Eastman Machine Company, Software Developer/Project Lead
779 Washington Street; Buffalo, NY
October 2006 – July 2009
Technologies To Be, Inc., Software Developer
12001 Science Drive, Suite 165; Orlando, FL
August 2004 – May 2006
Convergys, Technical Support
285 International Parkway; Lake Mary, FL
September 2001 – August 2004
CLOUDES is a web-based application used to design and build discrete event simulations. The front-end design components were developed in HTML and JavaScript, and feature a user registration and drag-and-drop icons. The server was written in Java using the Spring framework with a PostgeSQL database for data storage. The WebSocket protocol was implemented to allow for push updates from the simulation engine to the client.
This tool automates a risk assessment process for the Naval Sea Systems Command. It is an Excel application written in VBA. It features an intuitive wizard, which walks the user through importing files, executing the automation process, and logging to help the user track down input file errors.
A RESTful web service infrastructure that supports XML data distribution management, server sent events, an XML storage service, and XML schema validation. Added CBMS client extensions to the modeling and simulation programs VR-Forces and OneSAF. The technologies utilized include Eclipse, Visual Studio 2008, Apache web server, BaseX database, the xLightweb HTTP library, JaxB, Maven, and Subversion.
NE2S is a tool capable of simulating network and host based effects using Windows, Linux, and Solaris software agents. A Linux J2EE web application controls the agents and was developed using the following tools and frameworks: Eclipse IDE, JSF, Richfaces, Hibernate, JBoss application server, Ant, and Subversion. The agents are written in C++ and use the ADAPTIVE Communications Environment (ACE) for platform independence. The Windows agent wraps a network driver written using the Windows Driver Model. This project required a DoD secret security clearance.
Barraco, Anthony, Saikou Diallo, Ross J. Gore, and Christopher Lynch. "Quantitative performance metrics for evaluation and comparison of middleware interoperability products." The Journal of Defense Modeling and Simulation: Applications, Methodology (2015).
Barraco, Anthony, Jose Padilla, Saikou Diallo, Christopher Lynch, and H Kavak. "Cloud-based simulators: making simulations accessible to non-experts and experts alike." Proceedings of the 2014 Winter Simulation Conference, 3630-3639 (2014).
Barraco, Anthony, Saikou Diallo, Ross J. Gore, and A. Warren."Integrating CPOF, JSAF and ONESAF through CBMS." Old Dominion University, Suffolk VA, Virginia Modeling Analysis and Simulation Center (2013).
Barraco, Anthony, Saikou Diallo, Andreas Tolk, and J. Graff."Using the levels of conceptual interoperability model and model-based data engineering to develop a modular interoperability framework." Winter Simulation Conference (WSC), Proceedings of the 2011 Winter, 2571-2581 (2011).
Anthony Barraco
Lead Project Scientist
757 638 4462 |

Software Development
Anthony Barraco is a Lead Project Scientist at the Virginia, Modeling, Analysis, and Simulation Center (VMASC) at Old Dominion University (ODU). He is a 2002 graduate of the University of Central Florida (UCF) and received a B.S. in Computer Science. Since 2004, his professional software development experience includes network driver development, machinery control systems, and tactical trainers for the Department of Defense (DoD). While at VMASC, Mr. Barraco has developed: a web-based application for creating discrete event simulations; a collection of web services that enable data exchange between heterogeneous systems; an event scheduler that uses simulated annealing for optimization; and various mobile applications on different platforms.
B.S. in Computer Science, August 2002
University of Central Florida (UCF), Orlando, Florida
VMASC, Senior Project Scientist
1030 University Boulevard; Suffolk, VA
June 2012 – Present
General Dynamics, Software Developer
112 Lake View Parkway; Suffolk, VA
July 2009 – June 2012
Eastman Machine Company, Software Developer/Project Lead
779 Washington Street; Buffalo, NY
October 2006 – July 2009
Technologies To Be, Inc., Software Developer
12001 Science Drive, Suite 165; Orlando, FL
August 2004 – May 2006
Convergys, Technical Support
285 International Parkway; Lake Mary, FL
September 2001 – August 2004
CLOUDES is a web-based application used to design and build discrete event simulations. The front-end design components were developed in HTML and JavaScript, and feature a user registration and drag-and-drop icons. The server was written in Java using the Spring framework with a PostgeSQL database for data storage. The WebSocket protocol was implemented to allow for push updates from the simulation engine to the client.
This tool automates a risk assessment process for the Naval Sea Systems Command. It is an Excel application written in VBA. It features an intuitive wizard, which walks the user through importing files, executing the automation process, and logging to help the user track down input file errors.
A RESTful web service infrastructure that supports XML data distribution management, server sent events, an XML storage service, and XML schema validation. Added CBMS client extensions to the modeling and simulation programs VR-Forces and OneSAF. The technologies utilized include Eclipse, Visual Studio 2008, Apache web server, BaseX database, the xLightweb HTTP library, JaxB, Maven, and Subversion.
NE2S is a tool capable of simulating network and host based effects using Windows, Linux, and Solaris software agents. A Linux J2EE web application controls the agents and was developed using the following tools and frameworks: Eclipse IDE, JSF, Richfaces, Hibernate, JBoss application server, Ant, and Subversion. The agents are written in C++ and use the ADAPTIVE Communications Environment (ACE) for platform independence. The Windows agent wraps a network driver written using the Windows Driver Model. This project required a DoD secret security clearance.
Barraco, Anthony, Saikou Diallo, Ross J. Gore, and Christopher Lynch. "Quantitative performance metrics for evaluation and comparison of middleware interoperability products." The Journal of Defense Modeling and Simulation: Applications, Methodology (2015).
Barraco, Anthony, Jose Padilla, Saikou Diallo, Christopher Lynch, and H Kavak. "Cloud-based simulators: making simulations accessible to non-experts and experts alike." Proceedings of the 2014 Winter Simulation Conference, 3630-3639 (2014).
Barraco, Anthony, Saikou Diallo, Ross J. Gore, and A. Warren."Integrating CPOF, JSAF and ONESAF through CBMS." Old Dominion University, Suffolk VA, Virginia Modeling Analysis and Simulation Center (2013).
Barraco, Anthony, Saikou Diallo, Andreas Tolk, and J. Graff."Using the levels of conceptual interoperability model and model-based data engineering to develop a modular interoperability framework." Winter Simulation Conference (WSC), Proceedings of the 2011 Winter, 2571-2581 (2011).