Dr. Saikou Diallo
Chief Scientist
757 638 6320 | sdiallo@odu.edu

Simulated Empathy
The ability to empathize with others, the environment and things other than ourselves is what makes humans special and unique. Researchers have argued that empathizing relies on the ability to imagine, model, simulate and visualize things that we cannot see or experience directly. In other words, empathizing is simulating. The Simulated Empathy lab is focused on understanding, reproducing and mimicking the process and outcomes of empathy between humans, objects (machines and other mechanical objects) and societies.
Dr. Diallo has studied the concepts of interoperability of simulations and composability of models for the last ten years. He is VMASC's lead researcher in Modeling and Simulation Science where he focuses on applying Modeling and Simulation as part of multidisciplinary teams to study social phenomena, religion and culture. He currently has a grant to conduct research into modeling religion, culture and civilizations. He is also involved in developing cloud based simulation engines and User Interfaces in order to promote the use of simulation outside of the traditional engineering fields.
Dr. Diallo graduated with a M.S. in Engineering in 2006 and a Ph.D. in Modeling and Simulation in 2010 both from Old Dominion University. He is the Vice President in charge of conferences and a member of the Board of Directors for the Society for Modeling and Simulation International (SCS). Dr. Diallo has over one hundred publications in peer-reviewed conferences, journals and books chapters.
Diallo, S., Durak, U., Mustafee, N., & Mittal, S. (2017). Special issue on modeling and simulation in the era of big data and cloud computing: theory, framework and tools.
Gore, R., Diallo, S., & Padilla, J. (2016). Classifying modeling and simulation as a scientific discipline. Scientometrics, 109(2), 615-628.
Diallo, S. Y., Gore, R., Padilla, J. J., Kavak, H., & Lynch, C. J. (2017). "Towards a World Wide Web of Simulation." The Journal of Defense Modeling and Simulation, 14(2), 159-170.
Gore, Ross, Jose Padilla, and Saikou Diallo. "Markov Chain modeling of cyber threats." The Journal of Defense Modeling and Simulation (2017): 1548512916683451.
Shults, F. L., Lane, J. E., Wildman, W. J., Diallo, S., Lynch, C. J., & Gore, R. (2017). Modelling terror management theory: computer simulations of the impact of mortality salience on religiosity. Religion, Brain & Behavior, 1-24.
Tolk, A., Diallo, S., Padilla, J., and Turnitsa, C. (2013). How is M&S Interoperability different from other Interoperability Domains? M&S Journal, Winter 2012/2013, pp. 5-14.
Jose J. Padilla, Saikou Y. Diallo and Andreas Tolk: "Do We Need M&S Science?" SCS M&S Magazine, Vol. 2, No. 4, October 2011, pp. 161-166
Diallo, S., Tolk, A., Gore, R., & Padilla, J. (2014). Modeling and simulation framework for systems engineering. Modeling and Simulation-Based Systems Engineering Handbook, 3, 377.
Diallo, Saikou Y., et al. "Modeling and simulation as a theory building paradigm." Ontology, Epistemology, and Teleology for Modeling and Simulation. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2013. 193-206.
Diallo, Saikou Y., and José J. Padilla. "Military Interoperability Challenges."Handbook of Real-World Applications in Modeling and Simulation 2 (2012): 298.
Saikou Y. Diallo, Jose J. Padilla, Ipek Bozkurt, Andreas Tolk: "Modeling and Simulation as a Theory Building Paradigm," in Andreas Tolk (Ed.) Ontology, Epistemology, and Teleology for Modeling and Simulation: Philosophical Foundations for Intelligent M&S Applications, Intelligent Systems Reference Library, Vol. 44, Springer, pp. 193-206, 2012
Saikou Y. Diallo "Model-Based Data Engineering for Distributed Simulations." Engineering Principles of Combat Modeling and Distributed Simulation (2012): 747-763.
Best Conference Paper: Andreas Tolk, Saikou Diallo, and Jose Padilla: "Interoperability Standards for Medical Simulation Systems," MODSIM World 2011 Conference and Expo, Virginia Beach, VA, October 2011, NASA/CP-2012-217326, pp. 137-142
Recommended Reading List of the Workshop: Andreas Tolk, Saikou Diallo, Jose Padilla, and Charles Turnitsa: "How is M&S Interoperability different from other Interoperability Domains?" Spring Simulation Interoperability Workshop, Boston, MA, April 2011
Selected as Outstanding Paper: Andreas Tolk, Saikou Y. Diallo, Charles D. Turnitsa: "Data Engineering and Process Engineering for Management of M&S Interoperation," Third International Conference on Modeling, Simulation and Applied Optimization Sharjah, U.A.E January 20-22 2009
Recommended Reading List of the Workshop: Andreas Tolk, Saikou Y. Diallo, Charles D. Turnitsa: "A System View of C-BML," Fall Simulation Interoperability Workshop 2007, Paper 07F-SIW-054, Orlando, FL, September 2007
Recommended Reading List of the Workshop: Andreas Tolk, Saikou Y. Diallo, Charles D. Turnitsa: "Data, Models, Federations, Common Reference Models, and Model Theory," European Simulation Interoperability Workshop 2007, Paper 07E-SIW-052, Genoa, Italy, June 2007
Dr. Saikou Diallo
Chief Scientist
757 638 6320 | sdiallo@odu.edu

Simulated Empathy
The ability to empathize with others, the environment and things other than ourselves is what makes humans special and unique. Researchers have argued that empathizing relies on the ability to imagine, model, simulate and visualize things that we cannot see or experience directly. In other words, empathizing is simulating. The Simulated Empathy lab is focused on understanding, reproducing and mimicking the process and outcomes of empathy between humans, objects (machines and other mechanical objects) and societies.
Dr. Diallo has studied the concepts of interoperability of simulations and composability of models for the last ten years. He is VMASC's lead researcher in Modeling and Simulation Science where he focuses on applying Modeling and Simulation as part of multidisciplinary teams to study social phenomena, religion and culture. He currently has a grant to conduct research into modeling religion, culture and civilizations. He is also involved in developing cloud based simulation engines and User Interfaces in order to promote the use of simulation outside of the traditional engineering fields.
Dr. Diallo graduated with a M.S. in Engineering in 2006 and a Ph.D. in Modeling and Simulation in 2010 both from Old Dominion University. He is the Vice President in charge of conferences and a member of the Board of Directors for the Society for Modeling and Simulation International (SCS). Dr. Diallo has over one hundred publications in peer-reviewed conferences, journals and books chapters.
Diallo, S., Durak, U., Mustafee, N., & Mittal, S. (2017). Special issue on modeling and simulation in the era of big data and cloud computing: theory, framework and tools.
Gore, R., Diallo, S., & Padilla, J. (2016). Classifying modeling and simulation as a scientific discipline. Scientometrics, 109(2), 615-628.
Diallo, S. Y., Gore, R., Padilla, J. J., Kavak, H., & Lynch, C. J. (2017). "Towards a World Wide Web of Simulation." The Journal of Defense Modeling and Simulation, 14(2), 159-170.
Gore, Ross, Jose Padilla, and Saikou Diallo. "Markov Chain modeling of cyber threats." The Journal of Defense Modeling and Simulation (2017): 1548512916683451.
Shults, F. L., Lane, J. E., Wildman, W. J., Diallo, S., Lynch, C. J., & Gore, R. (2017). Modelling terror management theory: computer simulations of the impact of mortality salience on religiosity. Religion, Brain & Behavior, 1-24.
Tolk, A., Diallo, S., Padilla, J., and Turnitsa, C. (2013). How is M&S Interoperability different from other Interoperability Domains? M&S Journal, Winter 2012/2013, pp. 5-14.
Jose J. Padilla, Saikou Y. Diallo and Andreas Tolk: "Do We Need M&S Science?" SCS M&S Magazine, Vol. 2, No. 4, October 2011, pp. 161-166
Diallo, S., Tolk, A., Gore, R., & Padilla, J. (2014). Modeling and simulation framework for systems engineering. Modeling and Simulation-Based Systems Engineering Handbook, 3, 377.
Diallo, Saikou Y., et al. "Modeling and simulation as a theory building paradigm." Ontology, Epistemology, and Teleology for Modeling and Simulation. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2013. 193-206.
Diallo, Saikou Y., and José J. Padilla. "Military Interoperability Challenges."Handbook of Real-World Applications in Modeling and Simulation 2 (2012): 298.
Saikou Y. Diallo, Jose J. Padilla, Ipek Bozkurt, Andreas Tolk: "Modeling and Simulation as a Theory Building Paradigm," in Andreas Tolk (Ed.) Ontology, Epistemology, and Teleology for Modeling and Simulation: Philosophical Foundations for Intelligent M&S Applications, Intelligent Systems Reference Library, Vol. 44, Springer, pp. 193-206, 2012
Saikou Y. Diallo "Model-Based Data Engineering for Distributed Simulations." Engineering Principles of Combat Modeling and Distributed Simulation (2012): 747-763.
Best Conference Paper: Andreas Tolk, Saikou Diallo, and Jose Padilla: "Interoperability Standards for Medical Simulation Systems," MODSIM World 2011 Conference and Expo, Virginia Beach, VA, October 2011, NASA/CP-2012-217326, pp. 137-142
Recommended Reading List of the Workshop: Andreas Tolk, Saikou Diallo, Jose Padilla, and Charles Turnitsa: "How is M&S Interoperability different from other Interoperability Domains?" Spring Simulation Interoperability Workshop, Boston, MA, April 2011
Selected as Outstanding Paper: Andreas Tolk, Saikou Y. Diallo, Charles D. Turnitsa: "Data Engineering and Process Engineering for Management of M&S Interoperation," Third International Conference on Modeling, Simulation and Applied Optimization Sharjah, U.A.E January 20-22 2009
Recommended Reading List of the Workshop: Andreas Tolk, Saikou Y. Diallo, Charles D. Turnitsa: "A System View of C-BML," Fall Simulation Interoperability Workshop 2007, Paper 07F-SIW-054, Orlando, FL, September 2007
Recommended Reading List of the Workshop: Andreas Tolk, Saikou Y. Diallo, Charles D. Turnitsa: "Data, Models, Federations, Common Reference Models, and Model Theory," European Simulation Interoperability Workshop 2007, Paper 07E-SIW-052, Genoa, Italy, June 2007