Student Research Opportunities


Fostering MS&T exploration and scholarship are the key tenets of ODU-VMASC student research opportunities. Throughout each year, ODU-VMASC research faculty and project leads hire numerous diverse students to work on innovative projects through paid and un-paid internships, assistantships, project development, and various applied research.

This page is dedicated to providing snapshots of research projects sponsored by ODU-VMASC research faculty for K-12, undergraduate, graduate, and post-doctoral students. Explore current research opportunities below that interest you. Contact the designated project lead for more information!


Computational Framework for Assessing Absorptive Capacity

Using various modeling approaches- simulations, AI, statistics, qualitative data analysis- to explore humanitarian operations and responses in refugee and host communities.

Role: Unpaid Research Assistant (Undergraduate/Graduate Student)

Project Length: Current - September, 2022


By the community, for the community: Participatory Research to Understand Disparities in Vaccine Uptake

Hesitancy to get the COVID-19 vaccine looks different in various communities, where identities such as race, class, gender, geography, and politics can influence people’s decisions to vaccinate or not. Students will work on a diverse team to gain experience with participatory, community-based research and outreach.

Role: Unpaid Research Assistant (Undergraduate Student)

Project Length: Present through May 31, 2022


Trustworthy AI

Building Trust in AI.

Role: Paid Assistanship (Undergraduate/Graduate Student)

Project Length: January 1, 2022 through August 2022
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Digital Neighborhoods Project

Radically collaborative digital health and health equity analytics.

Role: Paid Undergraduate/Graduate Student

Project Length: June 1, 2022- December 31, 2022


Exploring if Psychological Traits Are Reflected by Social Media Content

Does the sentiment of your social media reveal anything about your psychological traits?

Role: Unpaid Undergraduate, Graduate, Postdoc Student

Project Length: January 10, 2022- December 31, 2022


Improving Validation Capabilities for Simulations

To what extent can debugging or validating a simulation be improved and automated?

Role:Unpaid Undergraduate, Graduate, Postdoc Student

Project Length: January 10, 2022- December 31, 2022


Virginia Open Datacube- Commonwealth Cube

Data and Computer Science for Earth Analytics and Climate Modeling

Role: Unpaid, Paid Undergraduate, Graduate, Postdoc Student

Project Length: Ongoing through Spring 2023


US Navy Simulation Framework to Support Testing of Autonomous Vessel Behaviors

Autonomous Boats in Simulation for Maritime Environments


1. Software Engineer - Hourly, Paid Undergraduate/Graduate/Post Doc

2. Software Developer - Hourly, Paid Undergraduate/Graduate/Post Doc

3. Software Deveoper - Hourly, Paid Undergraduate/Graduate/Post Doc

Project Length: 2021- 2023
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Enhancing the WAM-V Autonomous Vessel

Propelling Unmanned Vessel Research and Development

Role: Paid and Unpaid Hourly, Summer internships, Course Project credit, MS-Level Project credit

Project Length: Ongoing
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Research Capabilities