Workforce Outreach
Within the maritime sector, VMASC has developed two major workforce training programs: The Maritime Industrial Base Ecosystem (MIBE) and the Virginia Digital Shipbuilding Workforce Program (VDSP). A third workforce program, the Coastal Virginia Maritime Advancement Map (COVA Map), is currently in the works of being developed.
A regional and statewide talent pipeline to train workers in the new digital manufacturing environment.
In 2018, the Virginia General Assembly, through ReInvent Hampton Roads, awarded a two-year Virginia Growth and Opportunity Fund (GO Virginia) grant to ODU's VMASC and their partners, including Newport News Shipbuilding, Siemens PLM, the Ship Repair Association, Thomas Nelson Community College, Teaching Institute for Excellence in STEM, and regional localities. The grant sponsored the creation of the Virginia Digital Shipbuilding Workforce Program (VDSP), an academia-industry-government collaboration to develop a broad-reaching workforce and economic development program. The Program modernizes the maritime workforce trade and helps workers meet the needs of the evolving industry. VDSP also supports economic growth through their technical assistance, internships, salary subsidies, and outreach initiatives.
The Program's Strategic Objectives are to:
Assess and develop curricula and establish certified career tracks in digital shipbuilding and advanced manufacturing for engineering and design, skilled trades, and IT/cyber/business services that can be deployed broadly to K-12, workforce development centers, apprentice schools, higher education, and government and industry partners.
Formalize the Program by establishing an advisory board that will include stakeholders from education, industry, government, and trade associations to improve coordination and communication across regional and statewide initiatives and strategically branding Virginia, and Hampton Roads in particular, as the digital shipbuilding hub of excellence for technology, services, R&D and training.
Establish digital shipbuilding laboratories and learning centers across the region with initial locations at ODU, the Virginia Modeling, Analysis, and Simulation Center, HII-NNS Apprentice School, and Brooks Crossing in Newport News for education, training, outreach, and research initiatives.
MIBE's strategy is to mitigate maritime workforce and supply base gaps that stand between Hampton Roads' old industrial base and its potential to become America's preferred digital maritime hub.
MIBE promotes giving young talent incentives to acquire new, digitally-driven maritime skills by reaching out beyond Hampton Roads to recruit new talent for maritime opportunities on the horizon and promoting the outstanding quality of life that our region offers.
MIBE supports growing and sharpening our regional supply base for naval/commercial maritime opportunities and growing a formidable advanced manufacturing ecosystem serving 21st-century industries clustered around the maritime pillar.
MIBE believes that digitally powered "Industry 4.0" technologies are performance multipliers that will transform the region's workforce and supply base into models that other regions will want to replicate.
Fostering maritime innovation, strengthening America's digital maritime hub, and designing a future workforce pipeline.
The Maritime Industrial Base Ecosystem (MIBE) was created to optimize, mobilize, innovate, and grow the Hampton Roads maritime industry. Their strategy is to mitigate maritime workforce and supply base gaps that prevent the old Hampton Roads industrial base to reach its potential. MIBE also promotes young talent incentives to acquire new, digitally-driven maritime skills by reaching out beyond Hampton Roads to recruit new talent for maritime opportunities. The program supports growing and sharpening the regional supply base for naval and commercial maritime opportunities and believes Industry 4.0 technologies are performance multipliers that will transform the region's workforce and supply base into models other regions will want to replicate.
MIBE mobilizes regional partnerships needed to help Hampton Roads expand its maritime sustainment and modernization capabilities. We apply innovative solutions to performance gaps through an agile team of 21st-century maritime stakeholders across a 2,800-square-mile Atlantic industrial ecosystem. MIBE is committed to ensuring a ready, relevant Navy, branding Hampton Roads as a national center of digitally enabled naval/commercial maritime skills and aligning with coastal commercial port and offshore wind leadership.
Providing training materials for maritime programs to help them prepare future maritime professionals.
In December of 2019, a $1.5 million GO Virginia grant was given to VMASC to develop a Coastal Virginia Maritime Advancement Map (COVA MAP) for maritime industry workforce recruitment and training initiatives. COVA MAP will engage industry partners and prospective students, identify workforce gaps, and develop an innovative and new framework for delivering a cutting-edge curriculum to support the Virginia maritime industry. Currently, in the development process, COVA MAP provides high-quality online education materials for maritime industry training programs, equipping institutions with the tools they need to future industry professionals for success.
Workforce Outreach
A regional and statewide talent pipeline to train workers in the new digital manufacturing environment.
In 2018, the Virginia General Assembly, through ReInvent Hampton Roads, awarded a two-year Virginia Growth and Opportunity Fund (GO Virginia) grant to ODU's VMASC and their partners, including Newport News Shipbuilding, Siemens PLM, the Ship Repair Association, Thomas Nelson Community College, Teaching Institute for Excellence in STEM, and regional localities. The grant sponsored the creation of the Virginia Digital Shipbuilding Workforce Program (VDSP), an academia-industry-government collaboration to develop a broad-reaching workforce and economic development program. The Program modernizes the maritime workforce trade and helps workers meet the needs of the evolving industry. VDSP also supports economic growth through their technical assistance, internships, salary subsidies, and outreach initiatives.
The Program's Strategic Objectives are to:
Assess and develop curricula and establish certified career tracks in digital shipbuilding and advanced manufacturing for engineering and design, skilled trades, and IT/cyber/business services that can be deployed broadly to K-12, workforce development centers, apprentice schools, higher education, and government and industry partners.
Formalize the Program by establishing an advisory board that will include stakeholders from education, industry, government, and trade associations to improve coordination and communication across regional and statewide initiatives and strategically branding Virginia, and Hampton Roads in particular, as the digital shipbuilding hub of excellence for technology, services, R&D and training.
Establish digital shipbuilding laboratories and learning centers across the region with initial locations at ODU, the Virginia Modeling, Analysis, and Simulation Center, HII-NNS Apprentice School, and Brooks Crossing in Newport News for education, training, outreach, and research initiatives.
Fostering maritime innovation, strengthening America's digital maritime hub, and designing a future workforce pipeline.
The Maritime Industrial Base Ecosystem (MIBE) was created to optimize, mobilize, innovate, and grow the Hampton Roads maritime industry. Their strategy is to mitigate maritime workforce and supply base gaps that prevent the old Hampton Roads industrial base to reach its potential. MIBE also promotes young talent incentives to acquire new, digitally-driven maritime skills by reaching out beyond Hampton Roads to recruit new talent for maritime opportunities. The program supports growing and sharpening the regional supply base for naval and commercial maritime opportunities and believes Industry 4.0 technologies are performance multipliers that will transform the region's workforce and supply base into models other regions will want to replicate.
MIBE mobilizes regional partnerships needed to help Hampton Roads expand its maritime sustainment and modernization capabilities. We apply innovative solutions to performance gaps through an agile team of 21st-century maritime stakeholders across a 2,800-square-mile Atlantic industrial ecosystem. MIBE is committed to ensuring a ready, relevant Navy, branding Hampton Roads as a national center of digitally enabled naval/commercial maritime skills and aligning with coastal commercial port and offshore wind leadership.
MIBE's strategy is to mitigate maritime workforce and supply base gaps that stand between Hampton Roads' old industrial base and its potential to become America's preferred digital maritime hub.
MIBE promotes giving young talent incentives to acquire new, digitally-driven maritime skills by reaching out beyond Hampton Roads to recruit new talent for maritime opportunities on the horizon and promoting the outstanding quality of life that our region offers.
MIBE supports growing and sharpening our regional supply base for naval/commercial maritime opportunities and growing a formidable advanced manufacturing ecosystem serving 21st-century industries clustered around the maritime pillar.
MIBE believes that digitally powered "Industry 4.0" technologies are performance multipliers that will transform the region's workforce and supply base into models that other regions will want to replicate.
Providing training materials for maritime programs to help them prepare future maritime professionals.
In December of 2019, a $1.5 million GO Virginia grant was given to VMASC to develop a Coastal Virginia Maritime Advancement Map (COVA MAP) for maritime industry workforce recruitment and training initiatives. COVA MAP will engage industry partners and prospective students, identify workforce gaps, and develop an innovative and new framework for delivering a cutting-edge curriculum to support the Virginia maritime industry. Currently, in the development process, COVA MAP provides high-quality online education materials for maritime industry training programs, equipping institutions with the tools they need to future industry professionals for success.